Self-Care & Why It Is Imperative For Your Health & Longevity 


“Those who dream by day are cognisant of many things which escape those who dream only by night”

Edgar Allan Poe

Self-Care & Why It Is Imperative For Your Health & Longevity 

Does this look like you? We laugh, but let’s be honest… how many times do we feel like not coming home? How many days do you wake up and not want to go to work? There are instances when I just want to get in the car and drive… and KEEP driving! 


First let’s talk about how this stuff surfaces. 


Whether it’s the demands of your job, your boss, your family, or your relationship, stress can creep in at the most unexpected of times. We think we have it totally under control and then – BAM! Big baby bawl fest or maybe you just go numb and get quiet. Maybe you get super angry and lose your mind! Maybe it’s different every time. It could be dependent on a number of things; the time in your life, hormones, your age, where you are financially, emotionally, or physically. A big part of how these things affect you is how people in your life are treating you. Another big surprise… people can be the biggest turd sandwiches. Often, these people are the closest to us which is hurtful and confusing.  

The people we treat the best often take advantage of us the most, yet we put up with their shit and keep doing things for them. Why? This probably means we’re nice people and we love them. Should we continue to put up with their ridiculousness? NO!!!  

Evaluate your life. Take a look in the mirror. What do you see? Do you look stressed? Sad? Angry? Worn out? We tend to “wear” these emotions. Do people tell you that you look tired? Do people ask you if you’re okay? Are you sick? These are pretty good indicators that you are NOT taking good care of yourself and it is time to remedy that right now. 


Everyone wants a piece of your time. You say yes to everyone because you’re the “nice person”. You’re the good employee, the good friend, the mom, the dad, the girl, the guy, and the person that ALWAYS says YES! It’s difficult to say no when you’ve always said yes. Sometimes we say yes before we even think about ourselves or our own plans. We want to please other people and “help them out”. Meanwhile, we have put yet another demand on our life and our own schedule, in turn putting more stress on our emotional and physical well-being. Let me fill you in on something… It’s OKAY to say no! That person will survive without your help. They might not like it, but they will figure it out and they will usually still like you. If they don’t, they probably weren’t really your friend in the first place. You can’t do everything or you WILL suffer the consequences. Your body and mind will perish. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but in time you will pay. Is it worth that kind of punishment? Stop putting your life on hold for other people! 

Guess who can learn the meaning of no? Your kids, your friends, your co-workers, and your significant other. There are other people in the world other than you. Give yourself a break and JUST SAY NO!!! You’re busy, you have an appointment… with YOURSELF! Even if you’re not busy, you are. This is what you tell people in case you are not catching on here. Start making more time for yourself. This is imperative for your health physically and mentally. 

Too Many Demands  

Are you doing that? All of it? STOP IT!! Who said you have to do it all? You don’t. You can’t. It’s not fair and it’s not right, especially if there is more than one of you. If there is more than one person in your household and you are doing all of the laundry, cooking, bills, yard work, cleaning, etc… It’s time for a change. Just say those last two sentences out loud right now. Listen to how preposterous that sounds! The same goes for your workplace and any other relationships that require demands of you. Don’t volunteer for everything. Share the load.  

If there is more than one person in your household and you are doing all of the laundry, cooking, bills, yard work, cleaning, etc… It’s TIME for a change. 


There is such a thing as being too selfless. Being more selfish is a good thing! Most of the time, no one is going to say, “Hey, you should do something for yourself”, or “Hey, let me do that for you while you rest or go get a massage”. Most of the time in life, if we want something we have to take it. This is no different. We always wish things would change or be different, but there is not going to be a fairy godmother that swings in to save us or some magic red-headed dude in green tights and a pixie hat to take us to Neverland (I wish). We have to make these things happen for ourselves and it’s not usually easy. If we want to lead successful lives, we first have to be mentally successful. 

Now let’s get to the things that can help us take better care of ourselves! 

There are six key tools for a healthy self-relationships and you can get a free download of them here! 

6 Tools For A Healthy Self-Relationship 

The most crucial aspect is to focus on making time for yourself consistently. The tools in the download above are extremely helpful and can be printed out and kept somewhere physically or even as a download or wallpaper on your phone to serve as a reminder to take care of yourself FIRST! If you focus each day centered around doing at least one thing for yourself (even if it’s just for fifteen minutes), you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much more peaceful your day can and WILL be. 

Stop putting your life on hold for other people! 

Take care of yourself  

According to the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), headaches, low energy, general aching, muscle tension, IBS, and poor sleep are just a few of the health side effects that go hand in hand with poor self-care. They go on to mention recharging yourself by means of daily exercise, healthy eating, good sleep habits, meditation and the avoidance of drugs and alcohol are a few key measures to follow. 

We can not attempt to take care of anyone else well if we do not first take care of ourselves. What good are we to other people if we run ourselves ragged to the point that there is nothing left? How can we form healthy relationships if we do not have one with ourselves? Self-care is the foundation of all relationships. Evaluate your life. Take a look in the mirror. What do you see? Do you look stressed? Sad? Angry? Worn out? We tend to “wear” these emotions. Do people tell you that you look tired? Do people ask you if you’re okay? Are you sick? These are pretty good indicators that you are NOT taking good care of yourself and it is time to remedy that right now. 

We cannot attempt to take care of anyone else well if we do not first take care of ourselves. 

If we want to lead successful lives, we first have to be mentally successful. 

#selfcare #healthyrelationshipsstartwithyou #takecare #health #longevity 

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Holiday Stress: 15 Gifts To Help You Intentionally Enjoy The Holidays 


“Those who dream by day are cognisant of many things which escape those who dream only by night”

Edgar Allan Poe

Holiday Stress: 15 Gifts To Help You Intentionally Enjoy The Holidays 


The holidays are here and with Christmas right around the corner, many of us are stressing big time! To truly be able to enjoy this time we must learn to intentionally stay on the upside and redirect difficult situations. With simple reminders and support, we can have an incredible holiday time (even in this less than perfect year! 


Twenty-twenty… it sucked – a BIG ONE!!!! And, it’s not over yet. It’s been a really tough year for all of us and the holidays are different all the way around. 


Some people were affected worse than others and I really feel awful for them. We have tried to help a few people as we can. We didn’t have it easy in our household, but we didn’t have a terrible time either. 


I am thankful that we still had plenty of food and were able to pay our bills. We had help with things that we were not sure we would be able to manage, from people we barely knew. 


I can’t tell you how uplifting that was. It was so nice to be reminded that there are still some good humans in the world. It would have been a much more difficult time for us if we had not had help. 


You see, this was my first year taking a job as an independent contractor. Coaching is my main focus and career. However, until I have enough clients, I still have bills to pay, right? 


So, the company with my independent job is located in the heart of New York, so it was one of the very first to close its doors. I was out of a job for nearly three months without pay. 


I’ve NEVER not had a job. Jack and I were very nervous about what would happen. Then, he was laid off from his job for a short while. Once again, thanks to a little help from big hearts for a few things we were lacking, we didn’t suffer. It’s always nice to know there are still empathetic humans in the world. ♥ 


As far as I’m concerned, 2020 is over! I LOVE the holidays and I am super focused on Christmas and all the joy that it brings! 


I want everyone else to be able to enjoy the holidays just as much as they can and lower their stress levels or deplete them altogether. 


In the past, I really stressed about holidays, so I know how deeply it can impact your life, your relationships, your job, your mental well-being, your ability to enjoy these times, and just your everyday functioning! 


Once I was able to move past the bullshit that I was letting consume me and my time including, but not limited to; money, family, time, gifts, expectations, baking, decorating, and even loneliness. I’m a bit of an overachiever as well, and I have had to learn to tone that down… A LOT! 


I look back and just literally shake my head in disbelief now that I ever did that to myself. I have a much lighter attitude about holiday stress now… 


Many people like to say, “Remember the reason for the season”. Whatever that reason is for you, hold on to it. Keep it at the front of your brain. Keep it sacred and do NOT let anyone darken its door! Whether it’s spiritual, holistic, family, or otherwise, this is your focus! 


As for me, I just love the happiness and magic. I feel like a child again. It feels very whimsical and dreamy to me. It’s a star that I’ve climbed upon and I don’t care to come down from. 


I love the Christmas decor, the music, the vibes, the giving, the fancy drinks, the shopping, and THE FOOD!! There are so many ways that you can help yourself to enjoy all of these things more. 


So, without further ado, here are the fifteen “gifts” to help you  


Say “NO” without guilt. This one is number one for a reason. You spread yourself too thin. You say yes to everything and everyone because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. Is your life your own or someone else’s? There you go. It’s YOURS! There’s nothing wrong with helping out a little bit here and there, but know when to say NO! How can you enjoy your own holiday if you always doing everything for everyone else. Does this sound selfish? Maybe a little. Is it? Hell no! We must learn to build healthy boundaries between our lives and other people’s lives. Stop feeling guilty for wanting to enjoy a little of your own life and your own family. I guarantee you that most of the people that you are “helping” either, A. don’t give a shit that you are sacrificing your own family and self needs, or B. wouldn’t want you doing that if they knew that you were. And yes, they are usually the opposite end of the spectrum kind of people. So, either way, you’re doing yourself a favor by saying no. Let that sink in for a minute because it’s true. Wink!  


* Sidenote – This year will be very easy to say no with all of the beautiful COVID restrictions laid out for us in advance. What more do you need?? 


Set realistic expectations. Twenty-twenty is going to make this much easier for most of us for obvious reasons. Many people are not planning huge elaborate parties and such and what better time to lower the bar for the ridiculous things that people expect some of us to do and/or the ridiculous things that some of us expect ourselves to do (guilty). No one is going to cry if we don’t invite them for dinner. If they do, oh well. It’s not like they are going to un-relative you. And, if they do that’s going to have to be on them. It’s not the end of the world. You might even like that!  

 If you’re not feeling it and you just would like to have your small circle this year, do it up! What’s stopping you? Two years ago, Jack and I started only having holidays for only our boys and us and we haven’t really missed anything. It’s been really nice and actually more fun and WAY more relaxing! None of us are worried about who will be where and what people are thinking and what we will need to bring and wear, blah blah blah… It’s just us and we can sit around in our damn pajamas all day if we want. I don’t even have to put any makeup on!! I can cook if I want. I don’t have to if I don’t want to. No one complains. We watch movies during the day and everyone does their own thing. We listen to music and have cocktails in the evening and play games if everyone wants to! It’s super chill. That’s what holidays are about. No one is driving 30 miles to see anyone and waiting around for everyone to show up. We are not cleaning our house for eight hours the night before. I don’t have to make nine types of bullshit food unless I feel like it. We don’t have to worry about forced conversations with people we don’t really know. No more being judged by Judgy McJudgster. There is no more concern about buying gifts for Uncle Marty and Great Aunt Wanda that we barely know. Many people are ready to dive into a bottle of vodka five minutes in with the fam. 


Take care of your own needs FIRST. Again, this may sound selfish (it’s NOT), but if you are not taking care of yourself you are in no shape to care of anyone else. You will be no fun to be around, you will not enjoy your time with other people, and you will certainly not enjoy your holiday. Stress sneaks up on us like a pair of sexy panties that have shrunk a bit in the dryer. They creep right up that booty and make us uncomfortable all damn day no matter what we do. For men, it’s like another man standing next to you at the urinal. You can’t shake off that kind of awkwardness. You’re just minding your own business peeing and BAM!! Stranger danger penis right next to you. What tha??? Are there not two other urinals this bruh could’ve politely used instead? Yeah… stress creeps up just like that. Haaaalllloooo!!!! Hi! I’m stress and I’m going to eat your soul… and take the action steps there as well as following the fifteen “gifts” I’m giving you here. YLet That Shit Go</span></em></strong>. Holidays dredge up a lot of b.s. for a lot of people. Family drama, friend drama, work drama, ex drama, and dating drama. Take a step back my friend. Is any of it really worth losing your shit over? I’ve done this so many times I can’t even begin to tell you. It’s ruined my holidays. I would be on here all night writing if I told you about all the drama in my life. But guess what, I let it go. Sometimes, I still struggle a bit, but it’s NOTHING like it was before. I took many things personally. If someone didn’t like me or was mad at me, or if I even THOUGHT that… I would fixate on it and it was so intense. I couldn’t handle it. It’s very much a codependent trait. I know that now. Once again, I look back and see how silly it was and still is when I get upset about stupid things. I still get upset, but it’s very small, not big like before. Because guess what?  


I LET THAT SHIT GO!!! I realized how silly it was to be worried about what a few people thought about me. I am in control of my life now. I do not let other people control my life or my thoughts about other people control my life. The same is true with holidays. I am in control of my holidays and I am not going to let anyone ruin them for me. We are grown folks, right? Whoever said we should be concerned with what people think? Why should we be concerned about the past? Can we go back and fix it? Nah. However, we CAN enjoy the moment and move forward vowing to never waste another holiday again! LET IT GO! 


This is a tough one for many people. We want to show people how much we love them and we sometimes feel like we need to buy more gifts to do that. There’s nothing wrong with buying gifts for people, but when we spend more than we should and it adds a significant amount of stress because we can’t pay our bills it’s a different story. Start out with a budget such as a gift app. Jack and I used one this year called the Christmas List App and it has been a great help! You can make a gift list for each person on your list and set a budget for how much you want to spend. Once you or someone you have shared the list with have purchased the item, the item is “claimed” and marked off without letting the receiver of the gift know that someone purchased it. The budget part keeps you aware of how much you have spent. It also allows your kids, significant other, or whomever else you’re buying for to choose items they want from stores they prefer with a link they can share with you. This feels less “bratty” or “askie” in my opinion. Plus, it puts a picture of the item which is very helpful for those of us that are brainless.  


Skip the store I don’t know about any of you, but going into stores this time of year just makes my skin crawl. It stresses me out big time. It even puts me in a bad mood sometimes. People are often pushy, rude, and there are germs everywhere right now. You can’t find a freaking place to park, you get door dinged or door smashed, there are no carts, and you can’t try stuff on anyway. I am a big Shipt advocate. They have saved me so much time and money. The time saving is the biggest win for me and I absolutely LOATHE going to shop for groceries! My boys gift me the Shipt membership every year for Mother’s Day. I can get my Target home goods, Crest groceries, and even dog food delivered from Petco all with Shipt. I don’t even have to leave the house. My boys can text me what we need while I’m working and I just add it to the Shipt app and hit checkout when I’m ready. The groceries can be delivered when I arrive home on my porch and the boys can grab them and put them away. I can start dinner without ever having to leave the house. It’s a lifesaver! I can even get wrapping paper delivered! I try to do all of my other shopping from Amazon since we have Prime with free delivery and other stuff online. It saves me a TON of time and stress from going to the store and nobody gets hurt!   


Let off some steam. Have a date night with your special someone. Have a guys night. Have a girl’s night. Hang out with your kids. Have a drink. Watch a movie. What would you really like to do? Go do that! It doesn’t have to be ALL about the holidays right now. There are often many other things to do that are not available year-round such as ice skating! I actually just took a break from writing this blog to go play in the snow with my husband and my son, Colby, and our three dogs. After all, how often does Oklahoma get snow? Lol Not often. It was beautiful! Those moments come and go so quickly and we can’t get them back, so enjoy them while you can. My oldest son is 22 and has his own place now, so I can’t just call him over to play. My middle son wasn’t really “feeling” playing in the snow, but Jack and I were able to get my 17-year-old to, so it was great! Jack got some awesome pictures with his snazzy camera! 


Wake up with positive thoughts Start each day with positivity in your brain. You must consciously choose to have positive thoughts. So many of our actions and moods stem from our subconscious thoughts. It takes some time and patience to fine-tune and modify this behavior, but it is well worth the time and effort and it can lead you on a terribly pleasing path to success and a brighter future with stronger relationships and a happier you! Surround yourself with positive people and stay away from negative influences, including people, media, music, things at work, and things of the like. If you stop and think about it, you will be amazed at how many negative influencers there are on our daily lives. Get those nasty things out of there! They have no right to be there creeping in on you! Little bastards! 


A form of meditation to bring you back to your place of relaxation and rightful being is extremely helpful. This can take the place of many forms other than traditional meditation. This can be yoga, mindful breathing (those that have apple watches can easily do this with helpful reminders), visual meditations, progressive relaxation, spiritual meditation, and other types. You cannot seriously know the power of meditation until you try it. Guys: this is not just for the ladies. It is a very masculine act as well. There is a very strong presence in a man that meditates and it shows that he is very in touch and in tune with his body, mind, nature, and spirituality. 


Seriously. Who cares what you’re wearing? You gotta stop caring what people think. This is a big one! We’re always so obsessed with what people are thinking about us! The only person you need to impress is YOU! It’s tough to swallow other people’s opinions. You wanna know what’s easier? Not giving a shit! Look, I’m not saying be a complete slob all the time, but level down your give a damn filter. Seriously, ease up pal! In the past I worried so much about what people thought of my clothes, my hair, my makeup, etc… I still do sometimes, but my care button has been thrown out the window for the most part. Let’s be honest, most people are not even looking at you like that and the ones that are, well, they’re usually assholes anyway.  So, stop wasting your time on all that crap. However, if you truly enjoy dressing up and would like to – go for it! Just make sure you do it for yourself! 


personality. Be who you are! A lot of people try to alter their personalities to fit in and please other people during the holiday. Once again, embrace your weirdness! Don’t change for other people unless it’s a good change that needs to happen. Find your true self and be that person and be comfortable in your own skin. You will have a much grander time this year. Just look at Cousin Eddie. Does he ever give a damn about what people think about him? And, don’t we all wish we could embrace that kind of carelessness in our own lives? I dare ya! 


It’s time to let some of the work go. You may need to join Workaholics Anonymous. There is help. There is more to life than work. Of course, there is nothing wrong with hard work. Geez, some people don’t work enough or work at all! All I’m saying is don’t let work consume your life. Make sure you have that life-work balance. How sad are the holidays if you are spending them working? Take a break and take some time with people you like or love or even just with yourself. You will thank yourself for that. 


They can wait. The holidays come and go so fast. There is little time to enjoy them. Even if you’re having people over, most of the time they could care less what your house looks unless it is just a complete dump. You don’t have to keep the laundry completely caught up every day. I’m giving you permission. You don’t have to all of the house projects done, you don’t even need to have all the Christmas lights on your house bigger than your neighbor unless of course, that is your flips your mojo. 


It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. If you do have things that need done that you absolutely cannot put off and you need help, don’t be afraid to ask! You’ve got friends and family surely. Someone will help you if you ask. If you’re like me, that’s the difficult part… ASKING!! I SUCK at asking. I don’t want to burden anyone. I don’t want anyone to think I’m lazy or incompetent. I’m getting over that. It’s a process. It is definitely one of my slower processes. I even have a difficult time asking my own husband for help… gulp! Many of us have that whole, “I got this. I can handle it.” Trust me, you know where that leads straight back to? This holiday stress we are discussing. So, get over that crap about not wanting to ask and nut up!!! No one is going to just guess that you need help.  


Have some fun It’s not the holidays if you’re not having fun. Don’t be boring. Don’t be a negative Nancy. Don’t be a stick in the mud. Get off your arse and have a great damn time! No one is going to have a good time for you! You are responsible for your fun time! Sure, other people can help you have a good time, but it’s up to you to enjoy yourself so do it! There is no better time than now to decide to be grande! Send twenty-twenty out on its ass and bring twenty-twenty one in with flaming stars! You deserve to be happy! Happy of happiest Christmases my friends! 

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50 Fall Date Ideas 


“Those who dream by day are cognisant of many things which escape those who dream only by night”

Edgar Allan Poe

50 Fall Date Ideas 

Fall is officially here! The hot summer days are cooling and we are about to trade our tank tops in for sweaters and scarves. Yay! Who doesn’t love the weather this time of year? It’s PERFECT to get outside and do more things since it is not too hot and not too cold. It’s also absolutely BEAUTIFUL with all of the changing colors and the falling leaves. There are so many awesome date ideas for the fall. Many of them are cliche’, but here are some UNIQUE ones that are guaranteed to you insure you BOTH having a STELLAR time! 

  1. Visit a Pumpkin Patch
  2. Play in the Fallen Autumn Leaves

Remember how much fun it was to build those huge piles of leaves and jump in them? Relive those childhood memories together! 

  1. Build a Fall Wreath Together

A truly wonderful fall couple craft is building a wreath together! You can use grave vines, evergreens, or if you prefer a less natural option, you can choose burlap or mesh materials. Get crafty with your add-ons. Choose from acorns to berries, ribbons to glitter, find options that match your personalities. 

  1. Fall Foliage Road Trip

There’s nothing quite like experiencing all that beauty together on the road. The rich reds, the bright yellows, the burning orange, and the vivid greens accenting the twisting roads. Make sure you make plenty of stops for breathtaking views and photo opportunities. Take it all in! 

  1. Visit a renaissance festival

These festivals are full of fun and excitement! You can usually dress up in costume and there is a ton of great food and drinks. Often, there are great shows and live jousting events. You can’t go wrong with a renaissance festival. 

  1. Fall Flavors Beer Tasting

All the great new flavors of Fall surface around August and September. These radical flavors include maple, pecan, walnut, cinnamon, caramel, vanilla, cranberries, and of course, pumpkin. It’s an experience on its own just to sample some of the many tastes of the fall beer selections that arise each year. 

  1. Watch the Sunset

Sunset viewing is always romantic. In the fall, there is something even more gloriously romantic about it. 

  1. Go on a Picnic

Grab a blanket and a basket and pack some items you both enjoy. Maybe throw in a bottle of wine or champagne and head to your favorite park with nothing else but yourselves and maybe a camera. Leave the phones turned off for this. Just enjoy each other’s company and conversation! 

  1. Blanket stargazing

What a great way to bond! Look at the stars together. Share your visions and what you see. Just the two of you under the sky. It feels like you are the only beings in the entire world at that moment. 

  1. Visit a Duck Pond

Grab your guy/girl and head to your fave pond and feed the ducks, swans, and geese together. However, instead of reaching for a bag of bread, take some corn, seeds, oats, lettuce, or greens to feed them. Bread is not good for their diet and can cause them some health defects. Make sure to break the pieces up small enough for them to digest easily. Don’t forget to snag some great pics of you and your partner! 

  1. Visit a Local Animal Shelter

These animals are bursting with love and are desperate for attention. There is nothing more rewarding than volunteering a few moments with these sweets souls. Simply take them for a walk or just spend some time playing with them. 

  1. Attend a Local Animal Rescue Adoption Event

Once again, this is food for your soul. These animals have so much to give and all they want in return is a little love and attention. You might even find your next family member! Consider volunteering your time at one of these events such as Heartland Husky Rescue in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, or helping out with whatever these agencies might need. They often are in dire need of help and have very little or no funding at all. They rely solely on volunteers and donations. Walk a dog, bathe a dog, ask how you and your significant other can help. It’s a wonderful bonding activity for you both and the animals will truly benefit from it!  

  1. Go Kite Flying

This is truly a fun activity that people have forgotten. It is so great! Who doesn’t love flying kites? Find a great place where there are not a lot of trees and power lines for the kites to get stuck in. Half the fun is choosing your kites at the store or online. You can choose one that matches your personality! So fun!!! 

  1. Carve and Decorate Pumpkins

What once was an exciting childhood craft is still loads of fun! You can paint them, use glitter glue, or if you’re gifted, carve a neat face. 

  1. Apple Picking

Visit your local orchard for some romantic apple picking. What a neat experience for both of you! Grab a couple of baskets and get ready for some old fashioned fun! 

  1. Get Lost Together in A Corn Maze

One of those fun Fall past times. Seriously, the weather is perfect for this. Get lost. How romantic?!? 

  1. Have One Last Camping Trip

Camping trips are always awesome, especially with your honey. Autumn is perfect for camping. Pack a warm blanket and plenty of fixings for s’mores and hot apple cider. This is the most charming way to spend a weekend together. 

  1. Stay in Bed Together All Weekend

Sounds great, doesn’t it? Totally veg out, binge watch your favorite shows, movie series, talk, pillow fight, and have take-out! What are you waiting for?!? 

  1. Go Exploring

There are so many wonderful things to discover in the Fall. Plan a hike, go for a walk, take your dogs, explore a new space, search for new treasures. Who knows what you will find! 

  1. Take a Local Ghost Tour

There are plenty of ghost tours these days in any town. Sign up for one for a good scare and you may just learn a little something you didn’t know about your hometown. 

  1. Visit a Local Winery

Support your local winery and schedule a visit. They often have guided tours where you can learn about the history of their vineyards, their wines, and how they got their start. The best part is, there is always wine tasting and they usually have their prime products out for guests! 

  1. Attend a Rugby Match

Fall means rugby! If you’ve never witnessed a rugby match, you’re missing out. Football is great, but rugby is a whole different animal and you are guaranteed a good show! Rugby is a very unique game and super interesting to see. You OWE it to yourselves to see a rugby match. 

  1. Take a Bike Ride Around Town

Autumn is awesome for bike rides in your community. You will discover things you never knew were going on in your town. The beauty you can take in with a bike ride is unmatched. You will experience things that you just cannot witness from a vehicle. 

  1. Bake a Pie

There is something about baking together. It is romantic and playful at the same time. You are building something together, and food ALWAYS brings people together. Besides, who doesn’t love pie??? There are so many options. Pumpkin, apple, lemon meringue, cherry, chocolate, key lime, buttermilk, etc… 

  1. Build a Fire

Fires are perfect in the Fall. You can sit together on the porch on the swing and watch the fire. Have a glass of wine together and talk while listening to music. 

  1. Have a Horror Flick Marathon

Make a compilation of your favorite scary movies and have a movie marathon. What’s your fave? Michael Myers? Jason Vorhees? Freddy Krueger? Maybe take turns choosing your favorite flicks. 

  1. Shop For Couple Costumes

Plan a fun couple costume look and go shopping for them, or better yet, make the costumes yourselves! Be creative! 

  1. Go Antiquing

Treasure hunting! It’s so much like it. You never know what you’re going to find and that is half the excitement! 

  1. Visit a Haunted Attraction

October is Halloween month and there are tons of haunted houses, theme parks, forests, mansions, hayrides, etc… This is a super fun time that typically only happens once a year, so embrace the suspense! 

  1. Stay in a Cozy Cabin

There are so many great cabins you can book for a short or extended stay. What a great way to spend the weekend or an entire week! Snuggle under a blanket on the porch while sipping some hot apple cider or hot cocoa. Having this quiet time for the two of you is no doubt awesome quality time. There are so many things to do at the lake. You can go hiking, fishing, kayaking, you can grill out, drink some wine, and there are sometimes hot tubs and pool tables in these cabins! 

  1. Attend a Fall Festival

Fall festivals are packed full of Fall fun. They have everything from pumpkin baked goods to games, to crafts, displays, beer, and music! What are you waiting for?!? 

  1. Savor the Season on Horseback

It’s a beautiful time of year for an enchanted horseback ride. Find a local stable in your community that offers horseback riding and take your honey for a date that is sure to please. 

  1. Take a Motorcycle Ride

Motorcycle rides are always fun, but Fall is radical time for one because the air is crisp and the colors are so vivid and fresh. You can experience so much autumn allurement this way and, of course, it’s a great rush! 

  1. Sip a HotToddieor an Old Fashioned 

These are great Autumn cocktails to enjoy, preferably on a patio with a chiminea and some great music. 

  1. Spend the Night in a Haunted B&B

Bed & Breakfasts are always a good time, but even more fun when they are haunted! You can research one in your community and learn a lot that you probably didn’t know, including real factual events that may have happened right in your own backyard. You can cuddle up together and listen for strange noises or other paranormal activities in the house. Often, the hosts will have photo albums and stories they love to share about the house and the families that previously resided there. 

  1. Snap Pics of Fall Foliage

Make a lovely day of picture taking with your partner of all things Fall. There is so much charm in this season, you will want to capture so much of it. Don’t forget the selfies of the two of you! These can make great gifts or home decor later. You will have these memories to keep forever. 

  1. Roast Hot Dogs & S’mores

Bust out the grill and the graham crackers! Who doesn’t love to grill? Autumn is peak s’mores season! This date is sure to put a smile on both your faces. 

  1. Make Caramel Apples

Caramel apples are a forgotten art. They are so fun to make. They are perfect for putting you in the Fall spirit! 

  1. Visit the Zoo

The zoo is so hot in the summer. The animals are often so hot the don’t even bother coming out of their homes. This time of year is great for visiting the zoo. The animals are out and more interactive. You can make an entire day of this date. Pack some snacks and don’t forget your camera! 

  1. Participate in a Chili Cookoff

Chili cookoffs are notorious for Fall events and they are often for a good cause such as raising funds for a local charity. Who doesn’t love chili in the Fall? You will have a blast making chili with your own personal touches and ingredients. Which one wins? And you can taste other new varieties while you’re at it! 

  1. Have Pumpkin Pancakes For Breakfast

Pumpkin pancakes are the best! You can have them for breakfast to celebrate the season. Add a few walnuts or chocolate chips if you like! 

  1. Go Fishing

If you enjoy fishing, it can be a fun date. Even if you are not a great fisherman, it’s still a good time. 

  1. Go Hiking in the Woods

The woods are gorgeous in Autumn. It’s a great spot for a hike. Don’t forget to take a blanket and a thermos of hot coffee or spiced tea so you can stop for a break and soak it all in. 

  1. Relax at a Coffee Shop

Speaking of coffee… do you realize how many different Autumn coffee flavors there are? Fall is king for coffee. And, there are always a ton of awesome Fall treats to indulge in with it such as coffee cake, pumpkin muffins, brownies, apple pie, and snickerdoodles. 

  1. Go on a Hayride

Hayrides are good Fall fun. You can usually find one at your local farm, pumpkin patch or fall festival. 

  1. Get Chased By Zombies

Most towns now have a zombie escape run that you can pay to participate in. Some include laser tag, paintball, and some are escape rooms. This can prove to be a very unique Fall date with your lover if you are both up for it. Make sure you are up for running. Some of those zombies are fast! It is loads of fun! 

  1. Participate in a Murder Mystery

Murder mysteries are very popular now. Sometimes you can even find a Groupon for one getting you a super good deal. These are gnarly date ideas because you both get to dress up and play a part in a story with several other people in a setting that usually involves a lovely dinner. This one definitely ranks high on the date satisfaction list. 

  1. Attend a Halloween Party

Halloween parties are the best kind of parties! Most people dress up in costume, there are fun treats, candy, games, trivia, scavenger hunts, music, and festive drinks! You can enjoy your inner child. Points for choosing excellent couple costumes! 

  1. Attend aBalloonfest

Like hot air balloons? There are often hot air balloon festivals that you can venture out to. Make sure to bring some lawn chairs or blankets to sit on. You might even be able to pay extra to ride in one yourselves! Yay Yay! Hot air balloon day! 

  1. Get Tickets To Rocky Horror Picture Show

If you’ve never done this, shame on you! You have seriously cheated yourselves !! I don’t care if you have to drive an hour away to find a theater performing one, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELVES to find it!!! YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!!! This may very well be the best date entertainment of the Fall season. The movie will be played. Appropriate prop bags are typically sold. Actors/Actresses will be chosen from the audience to play out the roles of the cast. Many of the attendees of this event dress up as characters from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. However, many people choose to attend as their own Halloween costume of choice for the night, (if the show is, indeed on all Hallow’s Eve). Damnit Janet! Oh, Brad! 

#datenight #falldateideas #datenightblues #fall #autumn #thingstodointhefall 

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Codependency & Relationships 


“Those who dream by day are cognisant of many things which escape those who dream only by night”

Edgar Allan Poe

Codependency & Relationships 

Co-dependency… It’s an interesting topic. But, do you know The true meaning? Codependency can mean different things to different people. For instance, there is a codependence of the alcohol and substance abuse type. That is an entirely different subject. The codependency that I speak of is the psychological type. Warning: This blog may blow your mind! ? Are you codependent? Do you know someone that might be? 

Sadly, there is little awareness of codependency in today’s society. Therefore, many people suffer silently from it and may not even know that they have the issue. These people suffer day in and day out from this often debilitating condition.  

You will not find codependency in the clinical handbook of psychological disorders. This is because it is not a psychological disorder, neither is it a personality disorder as some people would believe. It is more of a behavioral trait. Codependency is an unhealthy reliance on others in order to achieve a sense of identity. 

Codependency has the ability to make your relationships dysfunctional since they become one-sided in which one person heavily relies on the other for meeting practically all of their emotional and confidence needs.  


How codependency affects your life and your relationships. 

As a codependent person, you’re constantly looking for approval from someone else. You do this because you didn’t get it when you were a child. You want to be seen. You want to be noticed. You want to be recognized for your achievements. This is mostly because you were not noticed or recognized when you were a child. It doesn’t always have to be from a parental relationship. It could be from someone who is of great importance to you, such as a mentor or someone who raised you.  

This may have continued into adulthood in more mature relationships. Your significant other may not have given you the attention that you needed. They may not have been intimate with you, and by intimacy, I don’t mean just sexually, I mean conversationally emotionally, etc. Your significant other did not feed your soul. They were emotionally unavailable to you. They did not connect with you. They left you feeling unfulfilled, unloved and used.  

How does codependency transpire? 

Maybe your parents were emotionally unavailable when you were a child. You never felt like you could talk to them. One or both of your parents may have abandoned you. Your parents may have divorced. Your father may have left. Your mother may have left. They may have been killed in a car accident. You were left alone in the world. Growing up with feelings of abandonment can form codependency. 


Many individuals suffer from physical abuse as children. This can also manifest codependency. Verbal abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse can certainly form codependency in any person. When you become an adult, you feel like you must always be doing something in order to please the other person or that person may leave you. Do you feel as if you’ll never be good enough? Do you feel that you always must be doing things for other people to prove your worth? This is the way that you “earrn” love and attention and to keep someone’s love as a codependent.  

How do I know if I am codependent? Let us count the ways. 

  • Low self-esteem – Feeling like you’re not good enough and constantly picking at yourself? You feel guilty about spending time and money on yourself or doing anything for yourself. You may also be a perfectionist and if everything isn’t 100% perfect you blame yourself and doubt your worth.  
  • People Pleaser – You’re a people pleaser. You’re always striving to make everyone happy. There’s nothing wrong with that to a point, obviously. However, these things must have boundaries. It goes without saying that we cannot please everyone all the time. It would kill us to try. I know this from experience. I am very much a perfectionist and a people pleaser. I want everyone to be happy and to get along but I have learned through time and my path to discovering freedom from codependency that I cannot please everyone. It is impossible, and more importantly, it is unhealthy. You must let go of some things. We cannot continue to sacrifice our own needs and our feelings for someone else. How many of you are doing this right now, today? How do you think this is affecting your life? How do you think this is affecting your health? How do you think this is affecting your relationships? What is left of us if we are giving it all to others? How can you be helpful and significant to other people if we have nothing left of ourselves to give? 
  • Inadequate Boundaries – If you don’t know what boundaries are, then you should probably listen up here. We all know what physical boundaries are. Emotional boundaries are pretty much the same. You have to cut yourself off at some point as mentioned above in the previous paragraph. Imagine a wall between you and the things that you have been sacrificing all of your energy on. Imagine your feet standing on masking tape on the floor. You cannot cross the tape. On the other side of the tape is the person you’ve been giving all of your energy to. It’s the child that you’ve been doing everything for. It’s the coworker you just can’t say no to. It’s the school moms or dads that are asking you to volunteer just one more time. Plant your feet and stand your ground. It’s time to change. You can not cross the line. You must say no. 
  • Knee-jerk reaction – Does this sound like anyone you know? Many codependents are involved in everyone else’s thoughts and feelings. For example, A group of people at the office is having a conversation and you find yourself getting upset because you don’t agree with what they’re saying you may choose to defend your view and butt your way into the conversation. The things that are being said offend you on a higher level because your “floor tape” is missing. There needs to be a boundary there. The way you can change your thinking here is to be more optimistic and tell yourself this is just the opinion of your colleagues and it has nothing to do with you. You are not a part of their conversation, therefore you should not take offense by it. 
  • Caregiving – This is when someone else’s problem is always your problem. Do you find yourself wanting to help people so much that you turn your back on yourself and your own personal needs to make the other person’s situation work for them? Once again, it is okay to help people, but if it seems excessive it probably IS! You need to back up a little bit and re-evaluate your motivation. Some of us also need to learn the hard way. Do you have a friend or a family member that you find yourself always having to pull out of trouble or always wanting to help? This person might have a specialty for drawing in drama and you’re never going to win that battle. There comes a time in someone’s life when they have to take control of their own situation. Until they do that, no one can help them, not even you. 
  • Control Freak – Hey, I never said any of these things were going to be easy to swallow. The facts remain… You’re a control freak. There’s not a lot to explain here. Do you find yourself wanting to control every situation? Do you have poor boundaries? This can present in so many different ways. You might be a workaholic, you might be very territorial, maybe constantly fixated on your family schedule, you may be very particular about your children’s discipline, or you may never want your significant other to go anywhere without you. Control freaks sometimes also have addictive personalities. Not having healthy outlets, we many times tend to stuff our feelings. This way we feel less exposed. Control helps a codependent person feel safe with no surprises. Controlling other people and their behaviors help codependents feel they can manage their life and their feelings.  
  • Dysfunctional Communication – Codependents find it difficult to talk about their feelings and needs. If you truly don’t know what to think or how you feel about the issue, how can you begin to heal or have any kind of healthy communication or relationships? However, if you harbor how you feel and/or what you need because you don’t want to hurt someone else or rock the boat is a different situation. You’re avoiding confrontation. We should have no problem saying, “Hey I don’t feel good about that”, or, “I think we should try this instead”. But, it’s difficult for us to do that. By doing this we are only lying to ourselves and deceiving other people. What everyone else thinks or what we think I need is okay, but really it’s not. This is no one’s fault but our own. IT IS OKAY TO SPEAK UP and YOU MUST SPEAK UP!!! Your sanity and the strength and endurance of your relationships depend on it. 
  • You Obsess – Humans that are codependent obsess about their relationships. This is because of their dependency on those relationships as well as their thoughts and doubts. They may also get really stressed out if they think they have made a wrong choice or done something wrong. We put love on such a high mantle because we desire it so much since we had such a large absence of it when we were young. We have such a desperate need for a loving bond and closeness to escape the pain and loneliness that has scarred our hearts and minds. 
  • Denial – The major factors don’t have any behavioral retreat. Many people deny they have an issue, nor do they actually realize it. We cannot begin the path to healing until we face our reality head-on. This is when we can truly begin to change and see the positive transformations in our lives. Often, some people will even shift the blame to others or the situation. Back to some of the other points in which we are trying to fix other people and taking the focus off of ourselves where the true issue lies. This is a cycle that will never end until you ask for help. Fist bump if this is you – “I’m fine. I’m good. I’m great. I’m all set here.” Liar! You’re in denial. Are you really good? Are you really fine? What do you need? It’s okay to ask for love. It’s okay to ask for intimacy. It’s okay to ask for more attention and time for yourself. These things are healthy. Be honest with yourself and the people that love you. There IS a better way. If you do not have a good support system, GET ONE! 
  • Issues With Intimacy – This is not just about sex. This is also about being close and open with someone. It’s about communication on a deeper level. There are reasons codependents have issues with this. You might worry and feel like you’ll be judged by the other party if you truly open up and say how you feel and what you need. Meanwhile, others may be confused. He/she may think that you don’t want to be intimate or close. It’s a scary thing to feel all of these emotions. However, we must learn to trust those we love. If they truly love us, they will be patient, kind, and understanding. They will truly want to hear us and learn from us. They will want to fulfill our needs and help us to become more intimate so that our relationship may be more fortified. We must trust our own feelings and needs. We must open our hearts and let our desires be known. What a wonderful feeling to say these things out loud to those we love! How liberating! 
  • Painful emotions – Being codependent is stressful. It can cause emotions that leave us feeling guilt and low self-esteem, which in turn can peek our anxiety and fear of being judged, rejected, and abandoned. This, in turn often leads to making poor choices which, (in the mind of a codependent) is capped by failure or trapped by being close or being alone. Sometimes emotions even lead to anger depression and despair. Any of these things can leave us just feeling numb in general. 

What can I do if I am codependent? How can I modify my life?  

There are many ways codependents can modify their lives. The most important things you can do is to make the decision to NOT let it dictate your life! It certainly doesn’t need to!  

  • Set goals for yourself 
  • Start small 
  • Follow through 
  • Communicate 
  • Take care of you 
  • Make daily changes 
  • Get a support system 
  • Work with a life and relationship coach (I would love to help you!) 
  • Make yourself accountable 
  • Don’t give up 

If this blog struck a chord with you and you would like more information on working with me on a deeper level for codependency, please choose a time on my calendar for a free discovery call! ✨#codependent #codependence #livingwithcodependency #takeyourlifeback #changenow #codependency 


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8 Communication Blockers ~ Feeling Disconnected? Uncover the source & Correct it. 


“Those who dream by day are cognisant of many things which escape those who dream only by night”

Edgar Allan Poe

8 Communication Blockers ~ Feeling Disconnected? Uncover the source & Correct it. 

In these times, I get the luxury (or maybe the curse) to do even more deep soul digging than usual which may and probably does drive some people that I know nuts! However, I am often left alone with my thoughts which can be scary, but also a real eye-opener. My mind, after all, is a very quirky, interesting, inquisitive, and sometimes dangerous place. I know that not everyone is the same. Some people will understand what I am speaking of and some people might think it’s pure nonsense. I get both sides. Some people, sadly, don’t even understand the real meaning of optimism. 

The deep soul digging topic afront my mind lately is interpersonal communication. So many relationships are built on falseness and pretending. Why are we okay with this? Why can’t we just be ourselves? Shouldn’t people love us as we are? Why can’t we say what is on our mind without being terrified of the repercussions? I often find myself searching for “the correct answer or behavior” that the other person desires in fear of rejection, disappointment, confrontation, or even verbal crucifixion for my opinion or general conversation. 

These times often leave me thinking, (when I do choose to say what is on my mind)… “Is this person even listening? Do they really care what I have to say? Are you one of these individuals? Are you on the other side? In between? There are so many different categories I can put this in. Oooh! This will be so much fun! 

  1. The Nodder~

“Yeah… I totally get ya. I hate when people do that.” … (Has no earthly idea… just nodding and looking for any excuse to leave the conversation). Good intentions, but nevertheless… 

  1. The Phone Junkie~

You’re pouring your heart out about something really deep or important and the receiver is doing the sly left-handed text under the table, or quick Facebook “like” because they are ADDICTED. They’re doing the occasional, “hahaha”, or “Mhm”. Really bruh? While you’re at it, could you just go ahead and club me in the face with your phone? Because that’s about how important this conversation feels. You will NEVER win with this person because the phone will ALWAYS be #1. 

  1. The ADHD~

I can’t talk crap on this one because I can relate. However, I will be upfront and honest with you. I will ask you to repeat yourself if I missed an important detail as well as ask you to slap me in the face for my douchebaginess. Yes, I made that word. You’re welcome. 

  1. The Asshole~

This person just doesn’t give a damn about you or anything you could care about at all and they make it blatantly obvious. Let’s be honest… they don’t care about anyone. How could you ever carry on a conversation with this person? You might be able to have a fun night out with this twat, but you will never be best mates or soul mates. They only care about themselves. You can’t compete with this, so say goodbye or keep it on a long leash. 

  1. The Liar~

You can’t even begin a conversation with this person because they will always have a better one – why? It’s made up! They always have an excuse. Why they can’t meet up, why they can’t help you move (friend), why they didn’t get you anything for your birthday (significant other), why they were talking smack!!! They lie so well sometimes they might actually have you believe their story. You always find yourself thinking, “Hmm… something just seems sketchy about this situation/story”. There’s a reason for that feeling. Stuff it or let it surface. There’s a reason it’s there. It’s called intuition and you ALWAYS end up getting hurt, so say goodbye or keep your distance. 

  1. The Taker~

Yup, you guessed it… All they do is take. You find yourself always giving but never receiving. You always listen to them talk, but they never listen to you. Do they EVER ask about you or the things that are important in your life? You try so hard to make the relationship work because you want it so bad. Maybe they remind you of a past relationship/friendship or you just really like them. So, you find yourself bending till you break. Take a step back my friend. What is really happening here? 

  1. The Chronic Interrupter~

They love to hear themselves talk. They don’t even need to talk unless someone else begins to talk. Then, all of a sudden they have an urgent need to butt in like they had no clue anyone else was speaking. SO rude. You try again to speak, but nope… interrupted again. You try thrice… DENIED!!! Good luck with your conversing with this poor soul. Their topic is obviously WAY more important. 

  1. The Judge, Jury & Executioner~

This personal listens intently to what you have to say. However, they are very judgemental. You might want to be selective with what you share with this individual. You drink too much, you eat too much, you’re nuts, you’re melodramatic, you’re emo, you wear too much black, you wear too much makeup, you look like crap, you don’t make enough money. And, then there’s another side… You’re not a good mom/dad. You just need to lose weight, get a divorce, get re-married, have more friends, eat more food, exercise more, get a better job, and don’t have so many dogs. The dog comment alone probably got this person exed. 

Is it you? Are you this person #1-#8? Well, that’s okay if you choose to change it. At least you have been able to identify it. Maybe you’re only this way sometimes. Maybe you’re a combo. The question is… are you man/woman enough to do something about it and not let it harm your relationships for the rest of your life? Be a better friend, husband, wife, parent, sibling, child, co-worker, acquaintance, or bartender. Yes… bartender. You have no idea of the impact of communication on people in your life. Not just your very close circle (especially that), but all people you commune with. 

#bettercommunication #betterrelationtionships #dontsettle #youdeservehappiness 

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